How to start writing a company blog? Things to remember before writing the first post
50.5% out of 1000 the biggest stores on Google have over 20 how-to articles visible in organic search results. Content is currently a strong trend in SEO and most of the entities in their current SEO strategy place content in the highest position of priority. How to start writing a company blog? If you want to keep up with the best, you must remember a few basic tips, which we’ll cover in the following article.
The genuine interest of the recipients in our product or service should go together with properly adjusted communication channels. Well-thought strategy and determined goals will be necessary to start a blog. Based on that, we’ll prepare a publishing schedule and the frequency of the activities will get us closer to the effect that we want to achieve. It’s worth giving others a reason to come back on the company website. An extra section full of interesting content could be very helpful. Referring to your products or services naturally and providing the readers with valuable tips and answers to their questions at the same time will give us a chance for success.
Tips on how to start a blog
Before we start creating the first post, you should use a strategic approach, which contains determining goals and the recipients of your blog. The next step is to research the topics and determine categories or tags that we’ll use on our blog. You should also think about UX features of the blog, so every user would easily get to the content he’s looking for.
Blog strategy – why and whom we write for
The first step to well-thought-out content publishing is developing a strategy. It’s essential to determine a target group, and goals for the company blog, as well as define what roles it plays for our business. Is it about the image? Or maybe we want to grow the authority of our domain and increase the traffic? Based on the answers to these questions, we can choose the tools necessary to execute.
Whom do we write for? What do we want to communicate through our content? The analysis of the biggest competitors who are the closest to our company could be helpful at every stage. It’s worth knowing how others do it. On the one hand, to inspire yourself, on the other – to know what goals our content may accomplish. It’s also important to analyze the market and niche where we run the business. What our clients are looking for? What questions do they usually ask? Such a developed strategy will be a good starting point to determine the subjects of blog posts.
Who writes the blog?
Only we decide whether we trust our employer with occasional writing posts or maybe use the creativity of the professional copywriter, who will regularly deliver completed texts. The most important is to remember that apart from knowledge, style is equally crucial. Educating, entertaining, inspiring – find the reason for which the readers will be willingly coming back on your website. You should remember that the content section should match the previously planned communication strategy and brand tone of voice.
The most important sources of the topics
Before starting writing the blog, you should do research on the blog’s topics. The next step is to create a list of topics to be written in the near future, and then develop a publishing schedule. It’d be good if the articles naturally refer to the offered products and services by the company. The more evergreen content is put forward, the longer these articles will be ‘alive’ and attract the next readers. The blog will grow not only in terms of the covered subjects and numbers of publications but also in terms of the readers.
Writing a blog as an answer to the users’ needs
In order to write a professional blog, it is important not to make mistakes typical for beginners. How to start writing a company blog, which significantly differs from creating a blog for personal matters? Our own blog gives us a bigger room for publishing topics, but the company blog is the one that needs to focus on the recipients. It’s crucial that the texts meet the real needs and preferences of our company’s target group. Such tools as Google Trends or BuzzSumo may help to identify the current trends. Searching the results on Google Search Engine will also be helpful. On the basis of the suggestions in the search results, we can find out, what the Internet users are actually looking for. A great post will be made only when you try to understand their needs and intentions. If the receiver notices that new content appears regularly, he will willingly come back on your website.
Where to look for the ideas for topics?
The analysis of trends and competition will help with understanding the needs and preferences of the potential receivers and clients. Thanks to in-depth keyword research, you can find out what the representatives look for on the Internet and thereby get a tip on which terms to use in order to get them right to our posts. Free tools such as Goole Trends or Answer The Public will be enough for the beginning to identify popular questions.

Chart from picturing a set of keywords connected with the term ‘company blog’ – may be a source of inspiration for the topics on the company blog of a content marketing agency – Elephate
We will increase the efficiency of the undertaken activities if we decide on more advanced, paid programs. BuzzSuma will suggest attractive topics of the articles and thanks to Senuto we will be up-to-date with the interests of our target group.
Proper keywords are a trampoline to the success of the texts. Using them in the right places and taking care of other factors influencing the position of the domain will make the posts appear high in the search results and attract new readers to the website. Their comments, even under the posts on social media, may be a valuable tip regarding the topics of the following posts. Eventually, it’s the algorithms, but the final recipients decide on the success of the strategy.
When we think of how to start writing a blog and which topics to choose for the beginning, we should ask our recipients, what content they expect and what they would like to read about. For example, if you already have followers on social media, you can make a survey, e.g., on Instastories.
How to start writing a blog and avoid mistakes from the start?
Before sharing the first post, you should think about all the possibilities. Do we really have time for regular publishing? Do we have skills, which let us take care of the details, so our blog reflects well on the company? Do we remember for whom and why we create the content? Before you start a blog, get to know 5 mistakes that you should be careful about while beginning with the content section.
Lack of regularity
When we’re excited about starting a blog on the website, we publish a few posts at frequent intervals. We invite everybody on the domain, the number of page views grows immediately, and… suddenly it drops. The article dates become even more distant, and we’re short of time and ideas for the next materials. Perhaps we publish a second-class post in order to repeat the previous success right after starting the blog, but with lower quality of the text, we’ll just add fuel to the flames burning our early efforts.
Reading the articles from a few years back, the reader will have doubts about the vital functioning of our company. He also won’t find a reason to come back for new content or to sign up for the mailing list. If we don’t plan to publish regularly, perhaps we should give up on visible dates next to the articles and focus on topics, which still be up-to-date after a while. Instead of naming such a section “blog”, it’d be better to decide on a problem or inspiration page.
Pushy sales and unnatural optimization
We’ve got access to dozens or even hundreds of keywords, due to which our website may fight for a higher position in search engine. So we ask to write an article which contains as much of them as possible. Different terms are stuffed in every sentence, so while reading, the recipient will forget what the text is even about. We also remember to refer to our offer in every paragraph. Repeating product and service placement, instead of arising the interest of the recipient, will discourage him and prompt to close the window. This is how we managed to make fatal mistakes at the same time.
Previously mentioned keyword stuffing is recognized by the search engines as an unethical practice and classified as so-called black hat SEO. An attempt to artificially increase the website visibility will sooner or later have an adverse effect, and it’ll be difficult to reverse a negative domain assessment. Besides, a text which is stuffed with terms from the tools doesn’t look natural. Excessive overpraising of your brand also does more harm than good. You should remember the differences between the goals of traditional advertising and content marketing.
No attention to details
After entering our blog, the reader slams into the dull block of text. Small font makes it difficult to read the content, just as a too wide column. Because of the lack of differentiated fragments, he doesn’t know which are the most important, and information hasn’t been illustrated at all. If he’s not motivated enough to discover the content of the article, most probably he’ll give up on the reading.
Within the time, we’ve created the skill to scan the content on the Internet. Instead of reading from cover to cover, we scan it more willingly. Therefore, it’s worth giving a reason for a person visiting the company blog to at least scroll the prepared post to the end.
What measures will increase the attractiveness of the text? The paragraphs should contain a few sentences and be reasonably narrow (not more than a dozen of signs in one line), with font adequately big and clear hierarchy. You should introduce a lot of headlines and highlight them with color or embolden the most essential fragments. Instead of explaining some issues, it’s better to illustrate them by means of proper photos or original graphics. If we provide them with alt attributes, we’ll attract to our blog also people searching for the specific pictures.
Missing the comfort of the recipient
Although there is a bunch of valuable content on our blog, it doesn’t arise the expected interest of the readers. After linking the article, we gather views on the specific post, but the reader doesn’t continue the journey on our website. In such a situation, it may turn out that reaching to the rest of the materials is simply difficult.
When planning the structure of your blog, you should take care of its transparency as well as the comfort of the potential recipient. Visible categories of the post or assigned tags may ease the navigation. It’ll be especially helpful if we decide on publishing different types of content. This way we’ll gather how-to posts in one place, news posts in the other, and press information for industry media in another. Providing a friendly user experience will pay off.
Out-of-date posts
Our posts attract recipients regularly, but after a few seconds, they run away from the website and never come back. Other portals aren’t eager to provide links to our articles, although we put a lot of time and energy into preparing them. In this case, you should make sure that the information covered in posts is still up-to-date and the form of their presentation is still attractive.
You never know when someone comes across the text published on the website. You should be on your toes and regularly get rid of outdated and inadequate data on your blog, so as not to disappoint anybody. The presence of such content on a blog or offering subpages speaks to the whole company. By the way, you should make sure that all links on the website work. Free plugs-in might be helpful.
Missing the visual aspect
he basis of good content are visually attractive photos and pictures. According to Neil Patel’s blog, 52% of consumers lose their interest in the brand because of unattractive and poorly adjusted to the brand’s DNA artwork (logotypes, graphics, fonts). Therefore, you should plan the layout of your blog – starting with branding issues and ending up with photos that you publish in posts. Ideally, the photographs should be taken by us as a topical complement or visualization of the content in the post.
Lack of optimization
Apart from the regular text optimization with keywords, you should also take care of proper meta titles and meta descriptions while publishing the content, e.g., on WordPress. A plug-in Yoast Seo may help us with that – it’ll show which parts of the article require improvement, so the material would be more clear and better optimized. It’ll improve the so-called power of the subpage in the eyes of Google robots, increasing our domain authority and the article itself at the same time.
How to write a blog? Good practices in practice
The success of the first post on the company blog consists of so many factors that it’s easy to get lost. You should remember to introduce something new to the Internet overloaded with content. This is the only way to interest Google robots and the readers with the article. If it turns out, after analyzing the popular keywords and activities of the competition, that every crucial topic has already been discussed, you shouldn’t give up. Just make sure that the post will be better in every way than the ones already existing on the web.
How to achieve it? For example, you can write a comprehensive article. Introducing a new perspective or emphasizing frequently skipped details are the key to a complex compendium full of useful information. If we add to this base a handful of emotions, proper language, and neat optimization, we have a chance for the first position in the search engine.
Successful debuts of other brands
Debuts of other brands which ended with success are a great inspiration. For example, by creating the first post on a blog from a touristic and hotel industry, we wanted to help the readers in planning the May long weekend. We decided on a topic, which arises a great interest every spring – once you put an effort into the work, it’ll pay off every year. Short paragraphs are completed with many headlines and eye-catching photos, and in the content, there are naturally placed links to the other portal’s subpages.
In the case of the interior brand VOX from the beginning, we decided on a guide for designing the bedroom. The specific products are put in a text in a natural way: while reading about different solutions using the products, the recipient even expects the links to them to appear. Because of the universal topic, instead of a blog, we called the content section “inspirations”. In that case, the publication date of the next posts doesn’t matter.
Let’s start naturally
Starting our company blog, in the first post, we can use material based on the most important keywords for the offer and refer to the profile of our services or products. On Elephate’s blog, we publish educational content, which is supposed to explain to our potential clients our approach and how we provide content marketing services. Apart from that, we aim some of our texts at the company owners who run their content activities by themselves or at the junior specialist in the industry. By sharing considerable knowledge through education, we encourage you to use our support and create an image of the brand as an expert.
How to start a blog and attract readers?
By properly conducted complex content marketing activities, the brand will gain more and more new recipients. In order to constantly draw the attention of potential clients, you should remember that content promotion is as significant as its creation. Even the most attractive texts may be lost in the sea of empty messages if we won’t let them reach our target group.
Attention to the high position in search results is extremely important, but not the only way to gain new readers. Your own communication channels also play a crucial role. Regardless of a new article on a blog or organized webinar, it’s worth putting a link in your profiles on social media and attaching it to the next newsletter.
Promotion of your own blog in external channels
Writing a blog is not only writing posts for your website. Going out with messages also brings many benefits. Guest posts, press releases, collaboration with influences, or at last ad in Google – if the budget allows. Make sure that as many people as possible will know about valuable content published under your brand’s logo.
Sometimes materials turn out to be so intriguing that people send links between themselves, and next to the comments the recipients share the content and add reactions. Original infographics or reports can also catch the genuine interest of the journalists, who will mention the brand on their own accord, increasing its recognition. Both goals help achieve digital PR campaigns, which base on unique, self-gathers data and fit into the currently crucial social discussion. However, it’s worth supporting this process and thereby your own success. If you have the content corresponding to the real needs of the recipients, share it on social media and contact the editors.
Do you want to write a blog and don’t know how to start? Contact us
A professional content marketer may help build brand awareness. He’ll make sure you will not only attract new recipients, but also keep them with you longer. He’ll do that by means of continuous analysis and optimization of undertaken activities.